mixed media, poetry


Identity – Poem on mixed media


  • The condition of being oneself, and not another
  • Condition or character as to who a person is
  • The set of behavioural or personal characteristics by which an individual is recognizable
  • the fact of being who or what a person or thing is
  • Characteristics, definition, defining oneself

Thinking back to how I used to be, and pondering all of what I’ve gone through, I consider myself nothing less than a miracle. The need for the sense of identity is very important to human beings, both on an individual and social level. My identity was so lost and confused in the past, but God has brought me through so much.

I love the passage in the Bible where God calls a prophet to choose a new King. The prophet went to the house of a certain man who had seven sons. When he saw the biggest and strongest son, he thought definitely he was to be the new king. God told him ‘no’. In fact, the answer was no for every one of the sons that this man had presented to the prophet. He then asked the man if he had any other sons, and he said that there was one more, but he was out in the fields tending the sheep. A very humble position at best, for that day and age. When the prophet saw this son, right then and there God said, “That’s the one”. God wasn’t looking at his outer appearance. He was looking at his heart. I love that.

Today, I am comfortable in my own skin. I am sure of my identity, and of what is expected of me. I know that what really matters is how God sees me, and He knows my heart. And He should. His finger prints can be found all over it.

Where, or in what do you find your identity? Are you comfortable in your own skin, and secure in who you are as an individual and within a group?

The above I wrote some time ago, but I wanted to create a new art piece for it.

mixed media, poetry, Uncategorized

Color me Purple

Color me purple-blog2
Color me Purple – Part 8 of a 9 part poem on mixed media

Finally, after 2 1/2 months of not posting a ‘Color me’ girl, the purple one is done.

Purple is the color of royalty. Maybe it’s because purple robes were worn by royalty in the past and the rare occurrence of purple in nature made it one of the most expensive color dyes to create (source – Bourn Creative).

People of royalty are very wealthy. I consider myself royalty, but not in the earthly sense. I mean, let’s face it, you can’t just become royal. You’re born into it. I do, however, consider myself very wealthy, very powerful, and very free. Free to do what I like. Free to be who I want. Free to be me. Just me. And nobody can take that away.

My treasures are not things like gold and jewels. I could care less about them. My treasures are riches that can’t be bought. Divine and simple. Obtained without stress or anxiety. Deeply fulfilling and eternal.

How about you? What do you consider to be treasure? Are you deeply satisfied? Do you consider yourself wealthy and powerful? And how about free?

Art, poetry, Uncategorized

The Quiet Journey (Monotetra)

The Quiet Journey
The Quiet Journey – Monotetra poem on Oil

Do you think of life as a journey? I do. Looking back, I can easily see that my life has been a journey. The experiences I’ve had. The ups and downs. The joys and pains. The good decisions and the bad, as well as the consequences that came with them. I’ve suffered a lot, and I’ve experienced great joy and peace. I’ve thought a lot and grappled with my world-view. God willing, I still have a good number of years ahead of me, so I know that this journey continues. I’m very thankful that I don’t walk it alone, and that I am constantly learning and growing. I know that the phase, or season that I am currently living will come to an end, and mesh into the beginning of the next one. And when my life comes to an end… that’s just the beginning to a whole new phase.

Do you think of your life as a journey? Have you considered how your experiences and choices have shaped you into who you are today?

The above poem is a Monotetra, which is a form that is made up of four lines in a stanza, each line being eight syllables long and each line rhyming. The last line in a stanza is a couplet of four syllables repeated. This is also in response to “The Reverie Journal’s weekly prompt, which this is week was “Quiet Journey”.

mixed media, poetry, Uncategorized

Mercy Girl

Mercy Girl for blog
Mercy Girl 2 – Poem on mixed media

Mercy: compassion or forgiveness shown toward someone whom it is within one’s power to punish or harm. —Google

Have you ever been shown mercy? I have. Over and over and over again. I’m so thankful for mercy, because I know that without it, I would be living in fear. Who wants to live in fear? To me, living in mercy means living in freedom. There’s a reason to wake up in the morning. A reason to smile. A reason to dance.

Have you ever been shown mercy? Share your story…

Mercy Girl 1

Just a quick note to let you all know that I’m back from my break. I was off for just over a month with the goal of accomplishing a bunch of things that I needed to get done. I was successful with a couple, but thanks to breaking my foot, I was unable to get everything done. It’s great to be back though. Looking forward to reading your blogs and catching up.

photography, poetry, Uncategorized

Busy, busy, busy

A Monkey's Thoughts

Hey little guy,

what ya doin today?

Not much dear girl,

I thought I’d sway.

From tree to tree,

and to and fro.

And watch the people

down below.

They rush and run,

don’t notice the sun.

They text and talk,

and run, not walk

Inhaling food,

not savouring each bite.

Under a tree,

they’ve lost all sight.

Of what it is

to live each day.

To love and learn,

and rest and play.

To see the gift

each moment brings.

Oh well, dear girl

I’m off to swing.

“The genesis moment is to assume every moment is fresh” –Makoto Fujimura

This poem and photo I have posted before. I have decided to do so again because I am in a season of busyness. Lots and lots and lots of busyness. For this reason, I have decided to take a brief hiatus of about a month in order to focus on getting things done that I so desperately need to.

The following are a few other poetry photos I have taken around my place (and yes, the mico monkeys are real, and we live together 🙂 ).

I will be back on WordPress in about a month.

Hanging AroundA Meaningful LifeHope-TanagaRomance - Tanaga


mixed media, Uncategorized

Mercy Girl 1

Mercy Girl 1

Mercy Girl – Mixed Media

After a very busy two weeks, going nuts with all the busyness and not enough time for me, I finally said, “That’s it! This afternoon I’m going to create.” Haha. The above is something I started working on a while ago. I didn’t like some things about the girl, so I decided to go a different direction than what I had originally planned. Next week I will be posting “Mercy Girl 2” hopefully.


Colour Impregnation

Red door blue graffitti

As some of you may know, I am taking a photography course (actually, it’s more like a workshop). The first assignment was ‘colour impregnation’. I took a couple of photos, and the above is the one I chose for the final assignment. Below or two others.

blue wall

yellow flower in wall

I will be traveling for about a week and will not have regular access to the internet. For this reason, I will be unable to read posts during this time.

See you next week.

mixed media, Poem

The Vine

The Vine
The Vine

Did you know that brown is a colour that is associated with belonging. I’ve written about this before – the need to belong.  A need for community. A need for relationship. We were never meant to be alone, but we were made for relationship. I am very content to have relationship with the one who feeds my soul, and cares for me on a holistic level.

“Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on; you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make any sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of – throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were being made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself.” 
― C.S. Lewis

How do you nurture this human need for belonging?


Made to Create

Made to create 2
Made to Create – Loop poem on mixed media

Why is it that human beings are so creative? We have imaginations and an ability to create that separates us from all other species.

“According to Marc Hauser, ‘mounting evidence indicates that, in contrast to Darwin’s theory of a continuity of mind between humans and other species, a profound gap separates our intellect from the animal kind.’ (source: live science.com)

Another article from livescience.com says, “Without a doubt, the human trait that sets us apart the most from the animal kingdom is our extraordinary brain… …the ability to reason and think on our feet beyond the capabilities of the rest of the animal kingdom, and provided the works of Mozart, Einstein and many other geniuses.” (source)

As a Christian, I believe that we were created by a creative God, and we were created in His image. Out of my intimacy with God I create, and my creations are a response to what He reveals to me.

Gotquestions.org says, “Mentally, man was created as a rational, volitional agent. In other words, man can reason and man can choose. This is a reflection of God’s intellect and freedom. Anytime someone invents a machine, writes a book, paints a landscape, enjoys a symphony, calculates a sum, or names a pet, he or she is proclaiming the fact that we are made in God’s image.” (source: gotquestions.org)

Michael Card says in his book, ‘Scribbling in the Sand: Christ and creativity‘ –“God is an artist and he is beautiful. He has woven his image into the fabric of our lives, which explains our drive to create things which are beyond us and which we don’t always understand.”

Why do you think human beings are so creative?

The first comment has a Youtube video by Michael Card called, “The poem of Your Life.”


mixed media, poetry

Color me black


Color me Black
Colour me Black – Part 1 of a 9 part poem on mixed media

Black makes me think of death and darkness. The absence of peace and all that is good. It also makes me think of depression and moodiness. Deep inner sorrow and soul emptiness. A few other things come to mind when I think of black are evil, wickedness and injustice. The absence of God and all the contents of a Pandora’s box.

Black, however, is also a colour that is made up of all other colours, excluding white, so its meaning isn’t all bad. For example, black clothing is very slimming for the figure. It portrays an air of sophistication and is associated with elegance and even mystery.

Looking at black on an individual and very personal level, I see black as the dance of death and the dance of life. The song of sorrow and the song that produces joy. My greatest enemy, but also my best friend. As a Christian, I believe in what the Bible says, “suffering produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” I see it as a paradox. The death of self actually causes a life that is full and a peace that passes all understanding.

Black is a very real colour in the lives of all people. Suffering, pain and death are inevitable, but white and light makes it all bearable. I am thankful to be under the umbrella that rains white and protects me from pure blackness, without hope.

What does black mean to you?