faith, mixed media

Breath of Heaven – Merry Christmas

Baby’s breath – Christmas card

Sometimes when I listen to the Christmas song, ‘Breath of Heaven’ (music video in the first comment below) I start to cry.  I think it’s because of the simplicity of it and the way that Mary addresses God, “Breath of Heaven”.  She was just a young girl when an unexpected visitor showed up and shared a message with her that essentially changed the entire course of her life.  She was engaged to be married to a simple carpenter, and she herself, was just a simple girl – that loved God.

As she silently prays to her maker, she’s extremely vulnerable and expresses to Him just how scared she is.  She knows that the world is a cold place and she is feeling all alone.  And rightly so.  Imagine being in her place.  A virgin, engaged to be married, in a society where it is absolutely unacceptable and punishable to have had sexual relations before marriage.  And now she is carrying the son of God.

She pours her soul out to the only one that could possibly understand what she is going through.  God, hold me together (I’m losing it).  God, be forever near me (I feel so lost).  God, lighten my darkness (the stone cold reality of this world is blinding me and I can’t see you).  God, pour over me your holiness (for you are the only one that can ease my anguished heart).

I think it’s amazing how she addresses God as, “Breath of Heaven”.  The word breath signifies life.  Every bodily function depends on breathing as breathing is the most fundamental of all the body’s systems.  It’s at the very core of life.  When one stops breathing, one dies.

She also recognizes that she’s weak.  She doesn’t see herself as one that is wise enough to be carrying such a serious responsibility.  But the beautiful thing is that, even though she’s full of doubts and considers herself as unwise, it didn’t matter to God.  What mattered was that she was willing to offer all that she is.  What mattered was that she had a heart of humility and recognized she needed His strength, and not her own.

*Note on the art piece: Baby’s breath is considered symbolic of everlasting life and purity. I thought it apropos to include it in the star and around the border in response to the song and reflection.

I’m so sorry I’ve been absent. I was away for almost a week and had very little internet access. Plus, it’s summer here in Brazil and the kids are out of school and we will be traveling from the the 26th to January 10th. Once again I will have very little internet access. During this time I won’t be posting, but I will try and visit your blogs when I can get access to the internet and the time to do so. 

I wish you all a very merry Christmas and a Happy new year celebration.


91 thoughts on “Breath of Heaven – Merry Christmas”

    1. Thank you Richard. I hope you have beautiful soft snow falling and all of the cozy goodness that comes with a cold Christmas.

  1. Ah! My dear friend!! I can’t begin to tell you how much you have touched me with your words and your art here this morning! Simply beautiful!! Thank you for the very clear vibrancy of your soul…you shine in God’s light! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you as well! I hope your travels are fun, enlightening…and safe!!,♡♡

    1. Lorrie, you are the queen of encouragement. Seriously. You always have the nicest comments, and I appreciate you.
      Thank you so much. I am so glad this touched you. May you and your family have a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year too, my friend.
      🙂 ❤

      1. Your beautiful soul shines through your words, dear Staci!! Thank you for the love…and much love and blessings to you and your family!! Merry Christmas…Happiest New Year!! ❤

      2. Thank you so much Lorrie. And a very Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year to you too, my friend.
        🙂 ❤

  2. Beautiful thoughts, my friend! What a special season this is and really every day is special when we know the Breath of Heaven. I love the artwork and it’s message!
    Merry Christmas to you, wonderful soul, and to your family! :* ❤

    1. Awwwwwm, what a lovely comment. Thank you so much Sibella. You’re the wonderful soul.
      Merry Christmas to you and your family too. I hope it’s filled with warmth, love, peace and joy.
      🙂 ❤

      1. Thank you, Staci and may Christmas and a New Year bring abundance of Love and Blessings to you and your family! 😘💞

  3. Beautiful, Staci! Thank you and may God keep you all in His care today and throughout your travels. Love your art and thoughts. Merry Christmas to all your family.

    1. Hi Tosha. Thank you so much. I’ve been so busy that I haven’t been able to read many blogs. I hope to read some tomorrow (including yours 🙂 ).
      A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

    1. Hi Carisa. Thank you so much. I’m so glad you enjoyed it.
      I’ve been away, and super busy. Haven’t been able blog much. I hope to get by your little corner of the blogosphere tomorrow, my friend.
      A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
      🙂 ❤

      1. Awwwww, as are you to me Carisa. I hope you had an amazing Christmas and that your New Year’s celebration is tons of fun.
        🙂 ❤

  4. Beautiful post…beautiful song with such a pure meaning…wishing you and your family a happy holidays 🙂

    1. Awwww, thank you so much. I’m so glad you enjoyed the post and song.
      A very Merry Christmas to you and you loved ones as well.
      🙂 ❤

    1. Thank you so much Geralyn. A very Very Christmas to you and all of your loved ones too.
      I’ve been away and super busy, so I haven’t been on WP much. I hope to catch up a bit tomorrow before my hubby gets back.
      🙂 ❤

  5. Hi Wendy, lovely Christmas card, and you Christmas girl in the previous post is lovely. I see you are having lots of fun down there in the summer. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family.

    1. Hi Elizabeth. Thank you so much. I’m so glad you enjoyed them.
      I don’t know if ‘fun’ is the right word. Lol. I’m hoping to have more fun after New Years when we get to go to the beach for a few days. Yeah!
      Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones too Elizabeth.
      (And I think you meant to say ‘Staci’ right 🙂 No worries. 🙂 )

      1. Dear Staci, so sorry for the name :(. A wonderful Christmas for you and yours, and for sure, beach is always more fun.

      2. Hahaha. No problem at all. I’ve done it before too.
        Hope you had a nice Christmas Elizabeth and that your New Year’s celebration is fun.

  6. Oh this song nearly always makes me cry too, Staci. I love to come into an awareness that God is but a breath of way and then sit in breathing in and out trying to feel His presence! Merry Christmas to you and your family. May it be a truly blessed time for all of you, and may the coming year be filled with grace upon. Love and hugs, N 🙂 ❤

    1. Beautiful, isn’t it. I love it when God stills and quiets me with his love. Nothing like it.
      May your Christmas be filled with much love, joy, peace and loved ones Natalie.
      Love and hugs 🙂 ❤

  7. I simply adore this card…’ A light in the darkness, A baby’s breath for all mankind’..perfect!
    loved the song Staci, probably will listen to it this whole Xmas….wish u n ur family Merry Xmas and a prosperous New year. Stay blessed

    1. Ohhhhhh, thank you so much Saaransh. I’m so glad you like this. And I’m glad you enjoyed the song too. Isn’t it great. The original is from Amy Grant, but I much prefer this version.
      Many blessing to you now and throughout all of 2016.
      🙂 ❤

    1. Can you imagine being in her shoes?
      Merry Christmas and happy new year to you too Timi.
      Sorry for the late reply. My daughter was sick on Christmas day, then I was sick yesterday, and we’re both not 100% yet.

  8. Merry Christmas to you dear Staci and lots of goodies, happiness and joy…you must be full in the preparation mode. Many many blessings to you and all your loved ones. One more year and many more happiness and fun, let the week towards the New Year be a full of surprises and pleasures. Take Care!!!:D

    1. Thank you Nihar. I hope you had a lovely time. My daughter and I have been sick, but we had a nice dinner with two other families on Christmas eve.
      Happy New year to you, dear friend.

      1. Yes Staci, it was good we all had a lovely time and suddenly the cold wave came gushing last couple days back and we all enjoyed the weather…
        I understand with the change of climate, we are prone to sickness, you too take care, hope your daughter is fine and prepare well for the New Year.

  9. Hi Staci, Have a safe Journey. I will miss having you around but I know you will be spending quality time with your family, so happy for you. I left you a small Christmas note in the E-mail, I hope you will get it.

    Hope you have a wonderful Christmas my friend ❤

  10. Merry Christmas to you 😉
    Nice following your blog and discover some bits about your world 😉 Very inspiring! Don’t hesitate to visit my blog 😉
    Thank you

  11. Dear! Dear! May your world be filled with warmth and good cheer this Holy season, and throughout the year. Wish your Christmas be filled with peace and love…

    Kisses and hugs from Ha.

      1. Thank you dear! Yes I did have a happy and wonderful 2015 with my beloved ones! I wish you a 2016 full of love and peace!

        Much love from Ha.

  12. It’s wonderful how you interpreted Breath of Heaven. I have listened to this song from time to time and never thought about it in the way you interpreted it. When I think deeply about the words in this song and what they mean, the song becomes more powerful and significant. Love your artwork as always and l look forward to reading more of your posts. Also I hope you’re enjoying your time with your family!

    1. Hi Crystal. So sorry for the late reply. I was traveling and didn’t have much internet access. I’ve just returned and am up and running again.
      Thank you so much. The song really is so powerful, isn’t it.
      HOw was your Christmas and New Year’s? How are things on the job front? Did you get your book put on Kindle?

      1. Hi Staci–I hope your travels went well and yes, my Christmas and New Years were good. I really appreciated the time I had to rest 🙂 I actually was able to put my book on Kindle and in fact I will be posting about it today! Thank you for encouraging me to do this–at first I thought converting the book to Kindle would be difficult, but it wasn’t at all 🙂

      2. Heyyyyy Crystal. I can’t believe I didn’t receive this comment in my notifications. Good thing I stopped by this post. Thanks for letting me know. That’s great news. I’ll have to get it now. Yeah!!!
        So glad you had a nice Christmas and New Year’s as well Crystal. We’re still a bit in holiday mode here, being that it’s summer. School starts up on February 1st. Can’t wait to get back into a regular schedule. I have a lot on my plate this year.
        Bless you.
        🙂 ❤

    1. Heyyyyyy Benjamin. So sorry for the late reply. I was traveling and didn’t have much access to the internet. I guess you can say I was on a mini hiatus. I’m back now though.
      Happy New Year to you too. How was your Christmas and holiday season?

      1. No worries. It was a pretty good holiday season, so thank you. I was sick for awhile but starting to feel better almost. I hope everything is great on your end and this year is fantastic for you.

  13. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas Staci, and despite the absence of snow and all that is associated to your memories in Canada, I hope and pray it was very special and wonderful.

    This is a beautiful post. I marvel at the simple faith and trust of Mary, despite her fears and vulnerability.
    Blessings from Canada, and all the best in 2016! 🙂


    1. Hi Carl. I had a lovely Christmas Eve. My hubby got back from the Middle East on Christmas Eve and we had two other families join us for dinner. It was simple, non-stressful, and relaxed. Then my daughter was sick all day on the 25th, and I was on the 26th.
      How was your Christmas and New Year’s?
      Thank you so much. I’m so glad you enjoyed this post.
      Blessings you.

      1. We had a very relaxing Christmas and New Year. I do a Christmas Eve service at church, and Christmas, just had our immediate family. Sometimes we have others join us, who don’t have anywhere to go for Christmas, but couldn’t find anyone this year.
        It would have been tough for you and your daughter to be sick over the Christmas holidays!

      2. My daughter is only five and this is the second Christmas that she was sick. The first time she was sick on Christmas day was a cold with a fever.

    1. Heyyyyyy Neha, so great to hear from you. Happy New Year. I just got back from my travels. I’ve missed my WP friends and am looking forward to get back to blogging.
      Hope you had a wonderful holiday.
      🙂 ❤

    1. It’s one of my favourite Christmas toons. Yes, ‘hold me together’. I’ve need that help often. Hahaha.
      Happy New Year to you too, and a great Sunday.

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